How To Find Your Graphic Design Niche

Love what you do and the money will follow.

A mantra for many people, especially those in any art field.

If you love designing, do you accept any freelance jobs you can get whether they suit your talents or not?
Although you may have the skills to do lots of different kinds of design work, does your portfolio have a particular theme?
Are you marketing yourself to a specific industry? And, loving what you’re doing?

Something to consider when trying to establish your niche: What do you love? What are you passionate about? Are you drawn to amusement parks and festivals and bright colors? Well, you probably don't want to take on a lot of formal wedding invitation design projects. You might consider something geared toward children. Is there a children's museum in your town? That would be a great place to look for work. If you are just starting out, you may want to volunteer your design services so that you can gear your portfolio toward your strengths and passions. It is important to establish your value as a designer in a place or company that compliments your interests.

For example, I love modern architecture and modern furniture. In design, I love clean, fresh layouts and the beauty of negative space. So, it wasn't a great idea for me to accept a design job where I had to illustrate 30 sets of hands in every configuration imaginable for a magic book!

When I was fresh out of design school and living on my own, I wasn't quite making ends meet with my freelance design jobs, so I started looking for a part-time job. I turned in applications at large chain stores and restaurants (even though I had no experience waiting tables). I got hit by a mac truck... literally... and looked for work at a privately-owned specialty store featuring modern European furniture and accessories. Although I started in sales, I was surrounded by beauty that inspired me. I started doing small creative jobs for the company and proved my value and design skills through my passion for the products of the company. Eventually, I was offered a full-time graphic design position. It didn't happen overnight, but it was the start to establishing my niche by doing what I loved.

What now? Discover your passions and find your niche. Don't flip burgers and design wedding invitations if you want to design children's products.

Get your foot in the door where you want to be and prove your value. This is one of the best ways to get started and to create a portfolio that establishes your niche.


PS. You can find your design niche by doing what you love too. If you would like to brainstorm on how to uncover or establish your own niche, please comment or send me an email so we can connect.